Images of building exteriors and areial views of cityscapes

Barriers to Meeting Sustainable Development Goals as Identified Through Case Study Analysis

Team: Richard Graves, AIA, Director; Daniel Handeen, Assoc. AIA, Research Fellow; Macklyn Hutchison, Graduate Research Assistant (MURP)

Program: Center for Sustainable Building Research

Development projects sometimes fail to meet the ambitious sustainable development goals they set to foster healthy, complete communities. Why are we falling short?

By examining seven ongoing large-scale sustainable developments in Minnesota, the Center for Sustainable Building Research has identified shared barriers to stated sustainability goals and pathways to overcome them. These barriers include the lack of district system-specific regulations, increased legal challenges with more sustainable projects, and the higher costs and greater financial risks associated with sustainable development. In response, cities and developers alike can take action to minimize these barriers and improve success in meeting sustainable development goals.

The developments were analyzed using the 21st Century Development matrix, which is a set of guidelines for the creation of regenerative communities that strive to provide a healthy environment for all people and living systems, now and in a dynamic future. 21st Century Developments are focused on how materials and resources are utilized and replenished, and how people’s lives are made better in terms of health, beauty, and equity. This matrix is used to understand what various developments are aiming to achieve and their progress toward these goals, but does not represent an objective measure of sustainability.